Face Painting

Our guarantee:
We are one of the few face painting companies in Nairobi that uses certified safe, non-toxic paints designed specifically for skin.  


For all-inclusive (we do not charge your guests):
4,000/= for the first hour (appearance fee)
1,000/= for each additional hour
• This includes one painter who will take 20-minute breaks every 90 minutes.
• If your event is exceptionally large, you may choose to send additional painters at 1000/= per hour rate minus the appearance fee.


For a painter to come and charge your clients:
2,000/= to appear at your event and we will then charge 100/= per face.
•With your permission, we will also sell toys at 100/= each.

facepainting for birthday parties in kenya nairobi


Prices for each single service are displayed as no broker, no “bargain” values.  We like to give the same price to everyone.

However, you may call us if you need a package deal with several services bundled into a single event or a multi-day event.

• Our promise: All of our team members are trained in-house by local and international full time professional performing artists.  We do not sub-contract or “outsource” for any of our services.

Contact Us

0712 407 258


Chaka Road
Kilimani, Nairobi

Monday—Friday: 9:00AM–5:00PM

WORK Hours
We perform for your events any hour, any day.